Tutorial - Employee Maintenance - Employee Attendance
To modify/view the Attendance Exceptions for an employee, you must be in Employee Maintenance for the employee in question.
From the employee maintenance screen, click on the button labeled Attendance.
Since this is a new employee, there are no attendance exceptions on file. To add a new exception, click the Add button as shown.
Select the date for the occurrence of this exception, followed by the event/reason for the attendance absense. The date defaults to the current date by default. You are also allowed to enter the time this occurance involved, and whether this should be a paid incident or not. These fields are for administrative use only, unless you configure Punch Clock to display attendance exceptions on the timesheet report. Once done, click the Save button to save an return to the Attendance Controller window. If you do not wish to add this occurance, choose the Cancel button instead.
Now that you've saved the attendance occurrence, it now shows up in the Attendance Controller. When finished entering occurrences, click the Exit button to return to the Employee Maintenance window.