How do I have more than one copy of Punch Clock on the same server?
Sometimes there is a need to run more than one instance of Punch Clock in an organization. The answer to the above question is two-fold. First, you cannot INSTALL AND RUN two versions of Punch Clock on the same server. However, you can store multiple copies of the Punch Clock database on one server, so more than one instance is available for employees. Here is how you do it:
- Follow the normal instructions to install and Punch Clock on the server.
- When done, you should have created a network share so other users can share that Punch Clock database.
- Create an additional share on the server.
- Go to the first share and COPY PunchClock.mdb to the new share.
- If you need additional instances of Punch Clock, go back to #2.
Now, you have more than one share containing a Punch Clock database. During your workstation installs, choose which share you want to map to.
- Admin installs Punch Clock on the server and creates a network share for the database called “SALES”.
- Admin creates a second share, named “SERVICE” and copies PunchClock.mdb file to that share location.
- Admin creates a third share named “DELIVERY” and copies PunchClock.mdb file to that share location.
- Admin installs Punch Clock on all Sales department workstations. All of these workstations get mapped to the “SALES” share. All sales people use the same database.
- Admin installs Punch Clock on all Service department workstations. All of these workstations get mapped to the “SERVICE” share. All service people use the same database.
- Admin installs Punch Clock on all Delivery department workstations. All of these workstations get mapped to the “DELIVERY” share. All delivery people use the same database.
There are now 3 separate instances of Punch Clock all running from the same server.
Free Download of Punch Clock
You can download a fully functional version of Punch Clock to evaluate free of charge. When you are done testing, you can
upgrade to a licensed version without losing your data. There is NO OBLIGATION for using the FREE EVALUATION of Punch Clock.